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Think WHO NOT HOW And Get Your Time Back

Barry Alt • August 1, 2022

Grow your business and get the FREEDOM of Time, Money, Relationship and Purpose

It's hard work running and growing a business with a limited team, and if you’re trying to do most everything yourself it’s even more challenging.

Spreading yourself too thin by attempting to do almost everything yourself in your aftermarket shop is just not sustainable and will hinder growth. With all the ongoing customer requests, projects, invoicing, staff needs, parts searches, etc. as well as keeping the work coming by growing and optimizing your online presence, marketing, and networking will eventually wear you out if it hasn't already.

If you're trying to do everything yourself all the time or with a limited team, you won't be able to grow your business as fast as your competition or others in the industry who have a solid team behind them. In the end you’ll just burn yourself out.

When you first started your shop, you probably had to do everything by yourself because that's all you had. But as you slowly grew, got more customers, generate more profit, and start becoming a well-known shop, you don't have to do everything yourself.

You’ll find over time that trying to do it all yourself becomes very inefficient and unproductive, especially if it’s those tasks you know you need to do to be successful but either hate to do or aren't your specialty.

So, if you're sitting down, staring at all the projects you have going on, the marketing and back office work that’s possibly piling up and wondering how the hell you’re going to take care of all the work while also trying to grow your business -

Don't think about the
HOW; think about the WHO. Who can you get to help you with this work?

Photo of Who Not How book by Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy

I’m sure you're thinking NO KIDDING!! I already know this and with the current state of the industry it’s almost impossible to find quality new employees to fill our current openings. Please read on as we’ll be discussing some options to help you deal with some of the areas of your business that you might not have thought of, didn't know where available or thought were to costly.

Today we're going to be talking about what you can do to stop focusing on HOW you're going to get things done and refocus your efforts towards the WHO that is going to help you get that work done.

Their book is essentially thinking about a new and better question; That question is “Who can help me achieve this?” When we're faced with a decision, a challenge, or a complex task, we always stop and ask ourselves - "How will I do this?" rather than “Who can help me with this?” What would happen in your life if you asked this question about everything you wanted to accomplish? What would happen if you asked this question about everything you’ve been procrastinating about?

Whether we're updating your social media, building and updating a new website, sending out invoices, doing email marketing, or hiring new staff to work on the projects in your shop, there's always a moment of consideration and delegation. A moment when we get stuck with the thought of 'how can I accomplish this task?'

But instead of asking ourselves how we can accomplish this difficult task, we should be asking who's best suited to achieving it. Keep in mind that it doesn’t always mean hiring a new staff member and the paperwork and expense that goes with it.

You're a very talented and creative automotive expert in your field. You know how to fully restore classics, get a ride back to peak performance, or create an awesome high horsepower custom build or race vehicle and you know exactly what makes a motor tick. But you might not be the best at maintaining your website, managing client accounts, keeping your books up to date or marketing your shop online but in the end you know that these things are vitally important to growing your business.

These are all essential business assets you need for your aftermarket business. If you find yourself struggling to do it yourself, and you're wasting too much time trying to learn to do it yourself, then you should delegate the task to somebody else. Don't spend time learning something new that’s not really what you want to do or focusing on something you know you can't do well when you could be spending more time on what you love - your business and working on the projects in the shop and with your customers.

This mindset of who, not how, will help you grow your business at a much faster pace than you ever could by yourself or with a small team. Hire people who can do the work you dislike or aren't good at so you can focus on other, more important things like your, clients, big projects, networking, and growing your auto restoration, performance, restyling or race shop.

Pro Tip:  Write out all the tasks you do that are unrelated to what you love to do in your business. As you delegate tasks to different staff members or 3rd party specialized vendors, cross the tasks off your list and free up more time for you and your business.

  1. Make a list of everything you do in your business, from our marketing to sending invoices to work on project cars. 
  2. Rate each of those tasks on how much you enjoy doing them on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is you absolutely love doing that task.
  3. Rate each task again on how good you are at doing the tasks.
  4. Review the list and find those tasks that are ranked low (1-3) in both enjoyment and proficiency. Those are the tasks you need to delegate.

You can also rank tasks based on items that must be done in-house and those that like your marketing, website, social media, bookkeeping, accounting and other tasks that could be handed over to a trusted 3rd party partner.

Let the ‘WHO’ do the ‘HOW’ - stop micromanaging and multitasking!

If you want to take advantage of the Who Not How method, you will have to let the WHO do the HOW.

By this, we mean - stop micromanaging and trust your team! And stop trying to multitask as it’s been proven that
Multitasking can actually hinder your performance.

Your internal and external team is there to help you. They've all got their specific roles, and they all excel at what they do best. For this method to work, you have to let them do the job they were meant to do. Get out of their way and give them the go-ahead to do what it is they do best.


“The first key to engaging in high-quality teamwork is to not think you know exactly what you’re doing. You’ve got to be open to other people’s ideas. You’ve got to realize that other people’s ideas, solutions, or strategies can be far superior to your own. And that’s a good thing!"

For this to work, your role in this relationship as the shop owner is to bring your A-Game and to start by educating team members and 3rd party vendors about your company's goals, mission, vision, and values and provide them with the assets and approvals so they can effectively do their job in support of your business. After that, they should do most of the work for you while you concentrate on the tasks you love. Remember, time creates money.

Pro Tip:  We know it’s hard to let go sometimes so for some tasks writing down the process you’d like them to follow when completing their tasks will ensure the tasks are completed the same way every time. It will also help you give them the space they need to do their job properly.

How do you get the right ‘who’ for the job?

Finding the right person or partner company for each job can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be.

Take a look at your goals for the next 30, 60, 90 days and run a 'who audit' over them. Carefully analyze who you think can help achieve these goals. If you can find somebody who already works for you, great! Giving an already loyal employee more responsibility will remove the hassle of interviewing and vetting potential new hires or third party vendors. 

If you don't have someone in your shop who can take over social media, website updates, digital marketing, bookkeeping or any other tasks that are vital to your shop, then you'll have to go on the hunt for somebody new. We all know this but so often we say it’s hard to find that Who these days so we try to do it all ourselves. I know I’ve been there and in the past have said it’s a pain to find and pay someone so I’ll just do it myself. Hours later and with much struggle I finally relent, so now I think WHO NOT HOW first.

The key here is that you want to be looking for partners to complement what you're currently doing and amplify your message without taking anymore of your time. OK maybe a little bit of your time as you'll still need to communicate with them, providing assets and approvals. But in the end a competent third party service provider can help, not hinder your business and reduce your stress.

This is where your
‘who’ audit comes in handy. By constantly updating your ‘who’ audit with the necessary skills, talents, or even personality traits you're looking for in an employee or a 3rd party team to hire for each task, you'll be able to narrow down who you're looking for.

Spreading Yourself too Thin

Pro Tip:  Some people love doing certain tasks or want to learn new things. Another great way to find the perfect person for the job is to ask your current employees if anybody would like to work in a specific area or learn a new skill! You may find that they have a skill that you didn't know about that could help you in your business.


“Rather than viewing people or services as a “cost,” as in the transactional mind-set, everything is viewed as an investment, with the possibility of 10X (10 times), 100X, or even bigger returns and change.”

For this to work, your role in this relationship as the shop owner is to bring your A-Game and to start by educating team members and 3rd party vendors about your company's goals, mission, vision, and values and provide them with the assets and approvals so they can effectively do their job in support of your business. After that, they should do most of the work for you while you concentrate on the tasks you love. Remember, time creates money.

Pro Tip:  We know it’s hard to let go sometimes so for some tasks writing down the process you’d like them to follow when completing their tasks will ensure the tasks are completed the same way every time. It will also help you give them the space they need to do their job properly.

How do you get the right ‘who’ for the job?

Think Who Not How Infographic

Finding the right person or partner company for each job can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be.

Take a look at your goals for the next 30, 60, 90 days and run a 'who audit' over them. Carefully analyze who you think can help achieve these goals. If you can find somebody who already works for you, great! Giving an already loyal employee more responsibility will remove the hassle of interviewing and vetting potential new hires or third-party vendors. 

If you don't have someone in your shop who can take over social media, website updates, digital marketing, bookkeeping or any other tasks that are vital to your shop, then you'll have to go on the hunt for somebody new. We all know this but so often we say it’s hard to find that Who these days so we try to do it all ourselves. I know I’ve been there and in the past have said it’s a pain to find and pay someone so I’ll just do it myself. Hours later and with much struggle I finally relent, so now I think WHO NOT HOW first.

The key here is that you want to be looking for partners to complement what you're currently doing and amplify your message without taking any more of your time. OK, maybe a little bit of your time as you'll still need to communicate with them, providing assets and approvals. But in the end a competent third party service provider can help, not hinder your business and reduce your stress.

This is where your ‘who’ audit comes in handy. By constantly updating your ‘who’ audit with the necessary skills, talents, or even personality traits you're looking for in an employee or a 3rd party team to hire for each task, you'll be able to narrow down who you're looking for. You’ve chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members' new products and more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you’ve chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you’ve selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes. You’ve chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members' new products more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you’ve chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you’ve selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes.

Pro Tip:  Some people love doing certain tasks or want to learn new things. Another great way to find the perfect person for the job is to ask your current employees if anybody would like to work in a specific area or learn a new skill! You may find that they have a skill that you didn't know about that could help you in your business.


“Rather than viewing people or services as a “cost,” as in the transactional mind-set, everything is viewed as an investment, with the possibility of 10X (10 times), 100X, or even bigger returns and change.”

Why should you find your ‘WHO’?

Finding a new staff member or 3rd party vendor who will help your business will give you access to four incredible freedoms. These freedoms will help you grow your business and help you get back to doing what you love.

These freedoms are:


Finding the ‘who’ for your business will give you more time to do more important things that maybe only you can do or that will help your business grow, that might be “working on your business” rather than “in your business.” You'll have more time to network and find new clients, more time to do what you love, and more time for yourself and your family. Doing everything yourself limits your time, potential, and income. There are only so many hours in a day!


  • You can’t have money freedom until you achieve time freedom.
  • By freeing up your time, you get the invaluable benefit of freeing up your mind.
  • By freeing up your time, you can focus on higher impact activities—such as strategizing or creating—which will automatically increase your income.
  • Improving how you spend your time automatically improves your ability to make money.
  • Making the single decision to add a Who to a specific area of your life eliminates decision fatigue in that area.
  • Eliminating decision fatigue from your life should be one of your primary goals if you want to be a high performer and increase your income.


Getting the perfect someone to do specific jobs, like updating your website or managing your social media might cost you money, but by freeing up your time, you'll be able to make more money and focus on more high-value work and clients. Adding a Who to complete tasks you don’t like or aren’t good at eliminates decision fatigue and allows you to be more strategic, which improves your ability to make more money.


  • Focusing on How will greatly limit your ability to make money.
  • When you focus on How, it’s often based on a scarcity mind-set and cost avoidance.
  • By seeing Whos as an investment, rather than a cost, you can quickly 10X or more your income and revenue.
  • By seeing Whos as an investment, rather than a cost, you can create transformational relationships, in which all parties give more than they take, rather than transactional ones.


Being the Who for others gives you the freedom to build relationships that goes a long way toward growing your business as they will tell their friends about you. Foster relationships with people who need your valuable skills to do the work they can't. You'll only have time for this once you've found the perfect Who for the tasks that are preventing you from expanding your business, such as digital marketing.


  • Never enter a relationship without having first created value in that relationship.
  • Never stop creating value and nurturing your relationships.
  • Always ask “What’s in it for them?” rather than “What’s in it for me?”
  • If you want to develop transformational relationships, then approach relationships in a transformational, rather than transactional, way.


Finding your ‘who’ allows you to achieve bigger goals and work towards becoming even better than you already are. Once you have the help you need to focus your time and resources on doing the things your great at and love doing you’ll be able to set bigger and better goals, collaborate with and help others while ultimately growing your shop, and expand your vision for your business and your life.


  • Collaboration immediately expands your Freedom of Purpose and vision, because what you can do with others is exponentially more than what you can do by yourself.
  • Collaboration allows you to focus on what you want to focus on and not feel guilty about getting help.
  • Collaboration transforms the initial intent of the project into something surprisingly better and more impactful than you would have planned on your own. By expanding your vision, your Freedom of Purpose also expands.

Thinking Who Not How can be invaluable to your and your shop and personal life. With Who’s completing tasks and projects you don’t like, you will obtain many freedoms (time, money, relationships and purpose) that will directly impact you, your business, and your family in a positive way.

We hope our article about the Who not the How, has helped you figure out what you need to do to create more time for your business and yourself.  Don’t do everything yourself; hire the perfect team to make your life and business easier and more productive.

Looking to add that WHO in-house and your struggling to find new employees? Check out “Now Hiring Digitally” in the December 2021 issue of THE SHOP and learn more about hiring staff online.

If you know you don’t enjoy marketing your business, posting on social media, updating your website, or trying to get more online traffic to your store, let the Motorhead Digital team be your Who. 

Get in contact with our team of experts today to start attracting high-value clients to your shop.

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